Upload with the Graduate Admissions Application an official transcript from each college or university attended, listing all courses taken, grades, and degrees earned. This includes post-secondary and community college transcripts.
Curriculum Vitae:
Upload with the Graduate Admissions Application a current CV/resume
Personal Statement:
Upload with the Graduate Admissions Application a three-part statement (no more than two single-spaced typed pages) that:
a. Clearly articulates the applicant’s areas of interest,
b. Demonstrates the applicant’s preparedness (e.g., completed coursework, field school, prior research experience) to undertake graduate work including special background or other preparation that is not evident from other credentials submitted, and
c. Demonstrates how the applicant’s research interests overlap with the research expertise of the three faculty members identified on the Supplemental Form. The applicant should make a strong case for why they want to work with these specific faculty members and therefore why The Ohio State University is an ideal setting for their oontinued training;
Recommendation Letter:
Include in the Graduate Admissions Application the emails of three persons acquainted with the applicant's academic program, scholastic ability, and/or professional performance and who will provide letters of recommendation. Applicants are advised to select referees who are familiar with their best work, particularly in anthropology and related disciplines. All recommendations must be submitted electronically. Recommenders cannot submit a letter until the application is submitted and the fee is paid.
邮寄地址:The Ohio State University, Graduate/Professional Admissions, P.O. Box 182004 , Columbus, OH 43218-2646 USA