


2016/01/08 12:39:24 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1394 移动端





  4 credits in English (1 credit per grade)

  3 credits in mathematics (1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)

  2 credits in science

  1 credit in Canadian history

  1 credit in Canadian geography

  1 credit in the arts

  1 credit in health and physical education

  1 credit in French as a second language

  0.5 credit in career studies

  0.5 credit in civics


  Group 1:

  English or French as a second language,a Native language,a classical or an international language,social sciences and the humanities,Canadian and world studies,guidance and career education,cooperative education

  Group 2:

  Health and physical education,the arts,business studies,French as a second language,cooperative education

  Group 3:

  Science (Grade11or12),technological education,French as a second language,cooperative education

  需特别注意的是:在English的4个学分中,English as a second language或者English literacy development (ELD)最多可以修3个学分,最后一个学分必须是12年级英语课。French as a second language最多可以修2个学分,第一组课程中1个学分,第二组或者第三组1个学分,此外,cooperative education最多可以修2个学分。

  毕业要求:30学分,其中有18个必修学分,12个选修学分,40小时社区义工,通过The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)考试。该考试自2001年开始,考试时间为每年3月份的最后一个周四,目的是测试10年级学生阅读和写作能力。当地学生必须在10年级的时候通过考试,国际学生在毕业前通过即可。

  毕业文凭:Ontario Secondary School Diploma




  Planning 10 (4 credits)

  a Language Arts 10 (4 credits)

  a Language Arts 11 (4 credits)

  a Language Arts 12 (4 credits)

  a Mathematics 10 (4 credits)

  a Mathematics 11 or 12 (4 credits)

  a Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits)

  a Social Studies 10 (4 credits)

  a Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits)

  a Science 10 (4 credits)

  a Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)

  Physical Education 10 (4 credits)


  Business and Applied Business

  Fine Arts, Design, and Media

  Fitness and Recreation

  Health and Human Services

  lLiberal Arts and Humanities

  Science and Applied Science

  Tourism, Hospitality, and Foods

  Trades and Technology

  毕业要求:80学分,参加省考,通过Grade 10 Language Arts, Grade 10 Science,Grade 10 Mathematics,Grade 11 or 12 Social Studies,Grade 12 Language Arts的考试。其中Grade 12 Language Arts成绩占最终成绩的40%,其他科目占20%。

  毕业文凭:Dogwood Diploma

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