


2015/10/15 14:27:47 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:861 移动端
先需要去澳大利亚建筑师资格协会Architects Accreditation Council of Australia 评估为移民意义上的预备建筑师。澳大利亚建筑师资格协会Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA)负责澳洲的建筑师注册资格评估,同时也是澳大利亚移民部指定的建筑师移民的职业评估机构澳大利亚。
评估成建筑师有2个途径,第一就就是获得澳大利亚大学建筑学的学历(目前的设置一般是3年本科+2年硕士),第二是通过全国统一的考试(National Program of Assessment), 或者通过各州的考试(从移民评估的角度来讲,符合这一步的要求就可以职业评估分60分)。
需要说明的是,移民以后,要获得正式建筑师资格,还需要在所在的州进行登记,一般需要2年的在建筑师指导下专业工作经验经验,并且参加统一的考核(Final assessment (RAE)),才可以成功真正的建筑师。Following completion of the course, graduates must undertake a minimum of two years' professional work experience under the direction of a registered architect and then pass the Architectural Practice Examination (APE) before being eligible to register as an architect in Australia.
2015QS世界大学专业排名 学校名称
15 The University of Melbourne
17 The University of Sydney
22 The University of New South Wales
33 RMIT University
37 The University of Queensland
40 The University of Newcastle, Australia
41 Monash University
51-100 Curtin University of Technology
51-100 Griffith University
51-100 Queensland University of Technology
51-100 University of South Australia
墨尔本大学专业推荐:Bachelor of Environments (Architecture)

专业;Bachelor of Design in Architecture


Course accreditation

When you successfully complete the Bachelor of Design in Architecture (or equivalent), the next step towards becoming a registered architect is the Master of Architecture, a 2-year professional program that prepares you for the complex and challenging architecture profession. 当读完建筑设计本科转业后,想成为注册的建筑师,需要完成2年的建筑学硕士

When you graduate from the degree of Master of Architecture, you will be entitled to registration as an architect under the Architects Act 1921 (NSW), subject to obtaining two years of approved practical experience, at least 12 months of which must be subsequent to graduation, and passing an architectural practice examination before registration. 当你完成建筑学硕士后,根据新南威尔士州1921建筑条例,你可以进行注册,但是需要有2年的职业经验,毕业后至少要有12个月的工作经验,在注册前需要通过建筑职业测试。


Bachelor of Architectural Studies
Faculty: Built Environment
Contact: Built Environment
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 3 Years  help_icon

Professional Recognition

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies program (3261) are eligible to become Student Members of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects. Graduates of Architectural Studies are eligible to apply for the Master of Architecture degree. It is this degree which will be accredited by the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) and the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) for the purpose of registration, subject to the prescribed professional experience and examination requirements. 只有读到建筑学硕士毕业,可以获得澳大利亚皇家建筑师协会认证。
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